web of wyrd //

‘If we were to take away the cellular form of the world and all the elements in it, we would just see this infinite and shimmering fabric’ - Lara Veleda Vesta

This fabric beneath all that we can name, the humming that we cannot pinpoint, the cascading of time forwards and backwards that keeps all of it moving – that is what the Scandinavian concept of the Web of Wyrd describes. The Web of Wyrd conceptualizes the passing of time into destiny as the interaction of tiny, vibrating threads that are woven together over and over again. According to the myth, we are given the heftier through-line threads before we are born as a sort of armature, and then the tiny strands of experience fill it up as we begin to live. Any place we visit, experience we have, idea we are taught, relationship we form- it all weaves together in this big living fabric, pulling our web into different shapes as time passes.

All things in this world have a wyrd, a network and tangle that is constantly changing. Perhaps the threads that are humming and moving get tangled up with someone else’s web, or the web of a place or a tree or a bird or a boulder. We bring those tangled bits along with us, we are all connected, loosely or firmly. The fabric of our lives is continuously shifting, it is not flat nor is it still or regular. It expands, threads overlap. Perhaps those places are where experiences happen simultaneously across time, right now but also ten years ago but also far away in the future. The feeling of love, maybe, an echo through time condensed to a single point, an overlap in the great web as an actual place that many exist together, all at once, for a blink of a moment. Maybe that’s why certain things feel so big, because we are at an intersection in the Wyrd with everyone else that has ever felt That Thing, forever backwards and forever forwards infinitely in all directions, all the while knowing the vastness that is nearly impossible to articulate.